Make Yourself

Men And Women Cant Be Friends

Men And Women Cant Be Friends
Conforming to the rest of the blogosphere in 3...2...1....None of the men thought it could happen (they're right) and all of the women thought it could, knowing full well that at least one of their male friends would date the shit out of her if he could. The reason is that men eventually develop feelings for the girl they're hanging out with all the time; this goes triple if they're "best friends". Women have no problem being friends with Deltas, but they'll usually never be friends with an Alpha without feeling an attraction for him. Delta's simply don't turn them on the way Betas or Alphas do (yes, yes, there are exceptions). For men, it's much simpler: should he be romantically interested in her (as is often the case), he will have known her for years and seen her as she really is, thus he'll know whether or not she's trustworthy. If she is, then she's a go-ahead for potential girlfriend material. If she's not, then he might just want to sleep with her (friends-with-benefits). Either way, his feelings will still be present for her, be they romantic or purely physical in nature. The often looked-to and hoped-for model of a relationship is the one about the guy and girl that have known each other their whole lives and then eventually fall for one another and get married. Hollywood loves this because the people love it too. I've seen it happen a few times in real life, and turn out successfully might I add, so it's not a pipe-dream, but for most people it doesn't work out that way. And the bitter, cast-iron, and unyielding truth is that you can only make your female friend attracted to you by being attractive. Then you'll find your way into her heart and every other place you've imagined.



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